Unexpected Breakthroughs and New Lease on Life

Laura has been instrumental in releasing me from obstructions in my thinking pattern which had been cemented over several years. I started being coached by Laura for one specific aspect of my physical life but, through her compassionate and wise questions, the breakthrough happened in a completely different area. A breakthrough I desperately needed but was unaware of. I cannot recommend Laura enough. She let me lead but kept me focused and on task toward the goals I had set. She was, and is, led by the Holy Spirit to ask the questions I most needed to hear. I would (and have) referred my friends and acquaintances her way without hesitation. If you are on the fence about getting coached by Laura, jump off and call her. You won't regret it. - Wyoming Client

Five months ago if you had ask me the question of needing a coach, likely I would have said no, since I have over thirty years of selling experience and a large library of audio, books and several in person seminars on not only how to sell, but also setting goals. After my wife died and I moved, I knew that once I had settled myself in, it would not be a problem to start writing an unfinished book and other aspects of my life, such as finding new friends, building relationships at church, and around my neighborhood. Two years later and I had yet to accomplish anything!  I started asking myself why that wasn’t happening and realized that I was running like a ship without a rudder and needed help. I decided to hire you as my coach and see if it would make the difference. It has! Three months later my book is on schedule and I am for once organized again where my life is truly beginning to be organized and take shape. Thank you, Laura. Without your coaching skills, there’s no way I could be where I am today. - Texas Client


Vision, Clarity, Goals and Action

As evidence of a great coach, Laura has the demeanor, personality, wisdom and skill‼ She listened really well; asked powerful questions at the appropriate times to help me parse things out further; never asserted her own opinion; has wisdom in her life experiences; always took away something and developed valuable action steps; not afraid to pray when the situation calls for it; and obviously listens to the Holy Spirit. - Kentucky Client

Coaching sessions with Laura helped me immensely by allowing me to define my own goals and then providing the necessary dialogue and encouragement to take action.  Without her help, I would not have obtained the clarity and determination I now have to materialize my dreams.  I would highly recommend her to anyone who knows what they want, but needs a steady guide to help them get to where they want to be. - Texas Client

I had goals in my life I didn't know how to achieve, I felt stuck. Through Laura's coaching, I was able to prioritize goals, find motivation in myself, and make a plan on how to achieve my short and long term goals. Laura listens intently, asks thought provoking questions, and offers insightful advice and wisdom, that provides clarity in your life. I highly recommend coaching to anyone. Laura has been a wonderful blessing to me and my family. - Pennsylvania Client

My path is clearer now, more examined and more precise. I’ve been able to articulate my plans. Laura has helped me visualize my long term goals so I can set appropriate short term goals. I’m taking action steps now to achieving my dreams instead of procrastinating. - Texas Client

I was hesitant to pay for coaching, but after just 2 sessions, I am sold on the value of having Laura coach me. She was extremely helpful and encouraging so I could take the next bold steps. - Texas Client

After one coaching session, I discovered definite steps I can take to help my family during this stressful time in our life. I walked away with an action plan and a deeper sense of peace. - North Carolina Client

New Awareness for Transitions to Move Forward

I had some really big new awareness that I walked away with. There was real value as this will help me in my transition. Laura doesn’t push an agenda, but is genuinely interested. She has a strength in her personality. You just see that she is stable and trustworthy. - North Carolina Mentor Coach

Laura asked some great questions and some very practical ones. Her questions allowed me to move forward, make progress, and then she took it to the next level with some observation. As a result, I went further exploring my motivation, conflicts and the deeper issues preventing my further movement. - Tennessee Client

Laura asked the right questions that made me rethink my plan as I came to some new realizations during our coaching session. - Virginia Client

Zoom with Laura and find out for yourself what Bold Hope Coaching can do for you

Zoom with Laura and find out for yourself what Bold Hope Coaching can do for you