Frequently Asked Questions about Coaching

There is no stupid question, only the question left unasked.  

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How Can I benefit from coaching?

Learn and implement new strategies to help your through this transition in your life. Develop some new awareness and clarity so you can have some peace with the situation you find yourself in. Manage your stress. Sleep better. Increase your motivation and energy. Improve your relationships. Gain new perspective.

what does a coaching session look like?

A confidential conversation between two people where you will have the space to think through the clutter in life and develop a strategy.  I've been trained to listen, ask powerful questions, and make observations that will help you in your work and life.

What are some common coaching topics?

We face the problems head on in our conversations to find solutions. It’s the things that keep you up at night that need to be addressed and this is a safe place to do it with no judgement. What are the problems you face? What is causing you stress? Let’s deal with that to start.

What kind of questions will you ask me?

A powerful question is never asked in a vacuum.  It all depends on you.  You are in the driver’s seat. I will always work towards the end result you want.

is this confidential?

Absolutely!  That's the beauty of it.  You need a safe place to process and work through the issues. I follow the Golden Rule of what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!

how is this different from counseling?

We are focusing on the present and the future.  We are not focusing on the "Why" but the "What" and "How".   I am not listening to understand and diagnose, but to help you get unstuck, develop new awareness, vision for your life, clarity, goals and action steps. Life is waiting for you.

How Much does it cost?

Life is stressful. Life is expensive, but coaching should not be one of those things. I want to make it accessible for you. How would you feel if you woke up excited and energized knowing you were living your best life, the life God called for you to live? This impacts your life, your relationships and your career. Schedule a complimentary call now so we can decide what is in your best interests.

what if i find out it's not for me?

The complimentary call is to find out if this is for you and ask all your questions. We can talk about your challenges, where you are stuck and need vision, and clarity on what you are want to achieve.

what kind of commitment do i have to make?

There are no strings attached and no fine lines.  If after the complimentary call, you decide you want to hire me, most coaching clients benefit from six-month commitment, with coaching twice a month, knowing that it takes time to make the changes you need for your life.

Can you coach me and my spouse?

Absolutely. I always propose coaching each of you as the individual first and then working together in a team of three. A cord of three strands is the strongest!

What about My adult child that lacks direction?

As a parent of an adult child, I understand. Sometimes Mom or Dad are the last person they will talk or listen to. That’s why it’s always best to put other healthy and wise adults in their life. I can be that person, a trained professional to help them develop solutions for their own life.

what will i get if i commit to coaching?

My entire purpose is to help you make changes for the better. You will come out with solutions to your problem. You will come out of this filled with hope, wisdom, peace, joy and better health because you have a plan and you’re following through with your plan. Stress be gone. Energy and excitement return.

Why Should I hire You as My coach?

Nothing you say can surprise or shock me.  My experience the past 35 years has been in investigations and ministry.  I've taken that training and experience, along with over 182 hours of specific coach training and education, so you can benefit.